Youth Research Vox
An Innovative Platform for Thinkers and Doers
Q1. What is IJYLR?
IJYLR is the world's first peer reviewed journal that publishes youth-led research. Since its establishment in early 2022, IJYLR has reached readers in 45 countries.
Q2. Does IJYLR charge publication fees?
No. Currently, there are no article processing charges or publication fees. IJYLR is an open access, nonprofit journal dedicated to promoting young people's rights to participate in scholarly research.
Q3. Who can become a IJYLR youth researcher?
Anyone aged 21 or under and is interested in learning about research can become a IJYLR youth researcher.
Q4. Does IJYLR publish the work of authors who are 21 or older?
Yes. IJYLR publishes youth-led and youth-centered research. If young people (aged 21 or under) participated in the decision making process, your research may be qualified as a youth-centered research study. See Shier's Matrix to find out more.
Q5. How do I get in touch with IJYLR?
First, you need to submit an interest form. Based on your answers, our team will meet with you and set publication goals and make research plans with you.
Q6. I do not have any research experience. Can I get involved?
Yes. IJYLR is committed to supporting all young people who desire to learn, grow, and lead.
Q7. I want to become a youth researcher, but I am very busy. Will I be able to handle the workload?
Youth researchers generally have multiple responsibilities in life, such as going to school, maintaining good grades, participating in extracurricular activities, volunteering, and helping their families. The number one reason for anyone to become a youth researcher is their curiosity, their drive to explore and to discover. As a IJYLR youth researcher, you will have the support from other youth researchers and our journal team.
Q8. I am almost finished with my research. What do I need to do to get my paper published?
In the interest form, you can explain where you are with your research. The IJYLR team will then provide you step-by-step instructions on how to submit your paper.
Q9. I am someone who works with the youth. Can I have my research published in your journal?
Yes. IJYLR publishes youth-led and youth-centered research. If young people (aged 21 or under) participated in the decision making process, your research may be qualified as a youth-centered research study. See Shier's Matrix to find out more.
Q10. What if I have more questions?
Once we receive your interest form, we will be in touch to answer any and all questions that you have.